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Car rental with UNIDAS

Unidas Rent a Car is one of the car hire companies that can be chosen thanks to GoCarHire.co.uk. Our portal allows you to choose the car that best suits your needs among many different alternatives as price and type. You'll be able to examines the offers of many international companies. Among these, it is possible to mention Unidas.

This international reality is a reference point in Brazil since 1985. For more than 30 years now, Unidas has been distinguished by a specific business model, namely that of franchising. Individual franchisors and affiliates are closely monitored and included in the training program from the first day of opening.

Unidas Rent a Car Fleet

Unidas Rent a Car is an international car rental company that allows you to choose from numerous cars. The fleet, in fact, includes models of different types and prices. Among the available solutions, it is possible to include economical vehicles, such as the Renault KWID and the Chevrolet Onix.

The Unidas Rent a Car fleet also includes vehicles such as the Fiat Uno, Peugeot 208 and Hyundai HB20, as well as compact cars such as the Chevrolet Prisma.

We conclude by recalling that it is also possible to rent vans and pick-ups.

Global ratings for UNIDAS

UNIDAS is present in 40 destinations. Based on the local reviews their customer average rating score is 6.1/10.

Customer Customer Rating



Average Wait Minutes Average waiting time is 9 mins

5.9 /10 Overall value for money
6.8 /10 Cleanliness of the car
5.3 /10 Service at the rental desk
5.2 /10 Car hire pick-up process
6.2 /10 Car hire drop-off process

Most popular pick-up locations in February 2025