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Car rental with SOVOY CARS

Nowadays, moving around the world in a few hours is a widespread requirement. Freedom of movement is a must that becomes difficult to give up and that can be pursued thanks to car rental. Renting a car in a few clicks wherever you are in the world is no longer a luxury, but a convenience accessible to everyone. In this case - and not only in this case - the web has really given a change!

This is demonstrated by cases like, a portal that allows you to compare the offers of many companies all over the world. Among these realities it is possible to include Sovoy Cars, a car rental company based in Morocco.

Among the locations where you can find the offices of this company we remember the airport of Casablanca, not to mention the headquarters of Avenue De L'Armée Royale.

Sovoy Cars' offices are also present at the Mohammed IV international airport. As the company is one of the main points of reference for rental in the area, it is also possible to find its offices at several other airports in Morocco. Obviously the fleet is characterized by the possibility of renting numerous types of vehicles.

Sovoy Cars Fleet

Sovoy Cars is a car rental company that, available thanks to, allows you to rent different vehicles. Among these it is possible to remember the Megane 4, but also the Touareg. Sovoy Cars' product portfolio also allows you to rent the Range Rover, not to mention the Volkswagen Polo. Continuing with the cars that can be rented thanks to this company, we remember the presence of the Clio 4, the Peugeot 208, the Ford Fiesta.

Finally, remember that the price window is very wide and that it starts at just over 20 euros per day.

SOVOY CARS most popular destinations

Most popular pick-up locations in February 2025