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Car rental with SCANDIA RENT

You travel the world every day and do it with different goals, from a simple pleasure trip to a business trip. In all these cases, the need to optimize time remains firm. A great way to pursue it is to avoid being too constrained by train and plane schedules which, as is well known, are often late.

To overcome the problems associated with this circumstance, recourse to car rental is very useful, a business that knows no crisis. To realize this, just think of portals such as This site allows, in a few clicks, to choose the car that best suits your needs and to rent it. takes into consideration numerous companies, among which it is possible to include Scandia Rent. When this company is named, it is the largest car rental network in Finland.

The group provides various services, among which it is obviously possible to mention car rental. Scandia Rent, however, also allows access to leasing services. Among the locations of this car rental company you can include Alavus, Espoo Koskelo, Espoo Niittyumpu, Forssa, Hamina, Hanko.

Fleet of Scandia Rent

Scandia Rent is a company that allows you to rent different types of vehicles. Among those available it is possible to remember cars such as the Toyota Aygo (or similar cars), as well as Family Cars such as the VW Polo. The fleet of this car rental company also includes cars such as the VW Golf. The list could go on and on, since the fleet of this company, which can be chosen thanks to, includes cars such as the Opel Astra, the Nissan Qashqai and the Skoda Octavia, without forgetting cars such as the BMW X1. or similar machines.

Most popular pick-up locations in February 2025