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Car rental with RECORD

Record Rent a Car is one of the car hire companies that can be compared when consulting This search engine represents an international reference point for those who need to hire a car for both business and tourism reasons. In a few clicks you can find the perfect car at the best price. The Record car rental company is one of the best choises for those who decide to travel on the Spanish soil.

This car hire company was founded in Castellon in 1966. Over the years it has grown to become one of the top 5 car rental companies in Spain. The success achieved over the years has led the Record car hire company to attract international investors of great caliber, such as Mercapital. The philosophy of affordable prices and constant attention to customer needs have led this car hire company to have 10,000 vehicles throughout Spain. Record has offices at the airports of Mallorca, Malaga, Alicante and Ibiza.

Advantages of Record Rent a Car

The car rental company Record Rent a Car stands out for the technical advantage of the offices in the airport terminal. This is a great convenience for users, who can collect the cars in a short time at very advantageous prices. Furthermore, the mileage is unlimited. Those who choose Record Rent a Car also have the possibility of adding other drivers and having coverage that avoids the excess.

The fleet includes cars of various types. We move from the economic ones, which cost 4 euros a week, to the family ones. In this case it is possible to spend up to thirty euros a week, for a high quality service and the possibility of taking advantage of a level customer service. An example? The ability to view the status of your reservation directly online!

Global ratings for RECORD

RECORD is present in 21 destinations. Based on the local reviews their customer average rating score is 8.1/10.

Customer Customer Rating



Average Wait Minutes Average waiting time is 21 mins

8.0 /10 Overall value for money
8.4 /10 Cleanliness of the car
8.0 /10 Service at the rental desk
7.8 /10 Car hire pick-up process
8.4 /10 Car hire drop-off process