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Car rental with NU CAR RENTALS

If there's a business that knows no crisis, it's car rental. Everyone travels, both for pleasure and for work. When you are around the world, for whatever reason, you need to move smoothly. To do this it is very useful to resort to car rental, which allows you to avoid constraints related to train and plane timetables.

The web, which has changed our lives in so many areas, also allows us to access the advantages of car rental more quickly. To understand this, just mention a portal like

This portal allows you to choose the best car for your needs and book it in a few clicks. Another indisputable advantage concerns the possibility of selecting the vehicle to rent from the proposals of many companies. Nu Car Rentals can be included among the companies in question. This company allows you to rent cars in the USA, South America, Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, New Zealand.

The locations where you can pick up your car include Orlando and Kingston Airport.

The other locations

As already mentioned, Nu Car Rentals is a company with a strong international presence. Users can in fact find its offices also in Europe and in numerous countries. Just to give some examples, we remind you the possibility to collect or return the cars of this company at the Sofia airport, but also at that of a prominent tourist resort such as Pula (the offices of the company in question, available on, are also present in the city). We also remember the possibility of finding them at the airport of another very important tourist resort in Croatia, namely Split.

Global ratings for NU CAR RENTALS

NU CAR RENTALS is present in 2 destinations. Based on the local reviews their customer average rating score is 8.2/10.

Customer Customer Rating



Average Wait Minutes Average waiting time is 6 mins

8.3 /10 Overall value for money
8.8 /10 Cleanliness of the car
8.3 /10 Service at the rental desk
8.0 /10 Car hire pick-up process
8.0 /10 Car hire drop-off process

NU CAR RENTALS most popular destinations