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Car rental with DRIVE RENT A CAR

Nowadays, it's essential to move quickly and easily around the world. It doesn't matter whether you travel for business or for personal reasons: what matters is being free to move around without any particular constraints related to train and plane timetables.

In this case, the role of car rental matters a lot. Thanks to the web, you can choose quickly and with the security of convenience. is an excellent tool in this regard. It is a portal that allows you to choose the company that best suits your needs, choosing it after comparing prices and fleets.

Among the companies compared on it is possible to include Drive Rent a Car. This reality has been active since 1990. A family-run company, it represents the company with the largest fleet among those active on the island of Rhodes.

The offices of the Drive Rent a Car rental company are located at hotels and resorts on the island. In the list of locations in question it is possible to remember the Hotel Lindos Royal, but also the Amada Colossos Resort. Drive Rent a Car offices are also located at the Lindos Imperial Hotel and the Grand Hotel.

Drive Rent a Car fleet

The Drive Rent a Car fleet is characterized by the presence of different types of vehicles. Users can rent small cars, such as the Peugeot 107. The alternatives available for those who want to rent a car with Drive Rent a Car also include vehicles such as Fiat Pand, Nissan Micra, Peugeot 301, VW Beetle Cabrio.

We also remind you that the minimum age to drive the company's cars is 21 years (groups A, B, C and S). For the other groups, the minimum age is 25.

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