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Car rental with DRIVE ON HOLIDAYS

Drive on Holidays is one of the car rental companies that you can choose when consulting This search engine allows you to choose between different international realities and, in just one click, to select the one that best suits your needs. In the specific case of Drive on Holidays, we are talking about a Portuguese car rental company founded in March 2011.

The business model, however, is international. This is demonstrated by the three offices at some of Portugal's airports. Specifically, it is the port of Porto, Faro and Lisbon. Prices are competitive and the fleet is characterized by the presence of vehicles capable of satisfying numerous needs.

Drive on Holidays, in these years of presence on the market, has managed to attract several customers. Among the indisputable advantages of this Portuguese car rental company it is undoubtedly possible to remember the presence of devices that allow you to pay by credit card directly from the car.

Information for those who want to rent a car with Drive on Holidays

Renting a car with Drive on Holidays requires the presentation of an international driving license if your driving document is written in Arabic, Greek, Russian or Chinese characters. As for the fleet, we remind you that it is made up of cars of many different types. They range from the Volkswagen UP to the Nissan Micra, from the Volkswagen Polo to the Fiat 500.

Global ratings for DRIVE ON HOLIDAYS

DRIVE ON HOLIDAYS is present in 5 destinations. Based on the local reviews their customer average rating score is 8.6/10.

Customer Customer Rating



Average Wait Minutes Average waiting time is 21 mins

8.4 /10 Overall value for money
9.0 /10 Cleanliness of the car
8.6 /10 Service at the rental desk
8.4 /10 Car hire pick-up process
8.9 /10 Car hire drop-off process

DRIVE ON HOLIDAYS most popular destinations

Most popular pick-up locations in February 2025