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Car rental with DISCOUNT RENT A CAR

Discount Rent a Car is an international company that allows you to rent cars directly online. It is one of the realities available thanks to, a site that allows, in a few clicks, to rent cars and to collect them comfortably at different locations. As already mentioned, among the available international companies it is also possible to include Discount Rent a Car.

Founded in 1980, Discount Rent a Car has over 300 locations across Canada. It offers car hire solutions for all needs, always offering the best rates and often special offers. Customers can also earn thanks to a system of points that are given every time they rent a car with Discount Rent a Car.

Discount Rent a Car Fleet

Discount Rent a Car is a car hire company that has a fleet of numerous vehicles. Their car rental services include a variety of vehicle options for any purpose or occasion such as city cars for sightseeing, sedans or minivans for road trips, luxury cars for weddings or business and more. They offer economy or compact cars, large SUVs or pickups, as well as premium and luxury car rentals that can accommodate up to three or even seven passengers.

Most popular pick-up locations in February 2025