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Car rental with CIRCULAR

Having the ability to rent a car quickly and conveniently is very important. This applies to both those who travel for work and those who travel for pleasure. How to find the car that best suits your needs? The web is an excellent resource for this.

Among the most useful resources, is the best one, allowing you to compare the prices of many rental companies in UK and abroad. Among these, it is also possible to mention Circular Car Hire. Founded in 1998, this car hire company provides budget minded car rental services, specifically targeting customers in Turkey, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

The services of this car rental company have met the satisfaction of many customers who, for example, have the ability to use cars with WiFi devices that allow you to connect up to 5 devices.

As already mentioned, the offices of this company, available thanks to, are located in different cities. Among these it is possible to mention Skopje and, in particular, the airport of the Macedonian capital.

The other offices are located in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas Airport. Circular Car Hire offices are also present at Istanbul Ataturk Airport.

Circular Car Hire fleet

Circular Car Hire's fleet includes several vehicles. Among these, it is possible to remember cars like the Renault Symbol Diesel and the Renault Symbol, not to mention the Honda Civic AT and the Dacia Lodgy SW.

Continuing with the list of vehicles that can be rented thanks to this car rental company, we also find cars such as the Dacia Lodgy 7 Seater and the Dacia Logan MCV. The car rental company in question also offers cars such as the Hyundai i10 and Nissan Micra.

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